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We are excited to further training on our live sales. We have simple yet very important tasks on this side of the farm. We require help with:

  1. Cleaning Screens
    1. Cleaning Hatchery/Greenhouse
  2. Brushing Ponds
  3. Cleaning Settlements
  4. Feeding Fish

Prior to getting started on each chore, it is important to know how we classify the farm. When we are health inspected, they have us determine our farm by “sets. ” Connected by water source and raceway.

We have the following sets:

  1. The Hatchery: 6 troughs and 11 tanks, as well as an L shaped pond going from inside to the outside edge of the building. Yellow on the map.
  2. The North Raceways: North 1-8ab and North North 1 & 2. Blue on the map
  3. The South Raceways: South 1ab-6ab and the blue ponds.  Green on the Map
  4. The Greenhouse Raceways: 9ab-12ab. Purple on the map.
  5. Inside the Greenhouse: 4 troughs and 2 ponds. Orange on the map.
  6. The Quarantine Pond- 1 singular pond. Red on the Map.

Each set will have its own equipment. I.e. It’s own screen brushes, and buckets. They will also have  footbaths to clean your feet. You will want to familiarize yourself with where the equipment is so it may be returned to each area. NO equipment should ever be left out. No fence entered, should ever be left open. We strive to keep this area bio-secure.

a close up of a sign

Do not take equipment from one area to another. There are footbaths for cleaning feet from invasive species or disease located at the entrance of the hatchery, greenhouse, and new hatchery. Use a footbath frequently.



How to clean a screen: 

  1. Walk the section and determine the worst screens. Do them first. The worst ones will be the most backed up. Meaning the water levels before and after each screen will be dramatically different.
  2. Gather a brush and a bucket. (Gloves optional)
  3. Take all moss off screen.
    1. You may have to brush real hard for a few swipes to get the water level to go down and release pressure built up on the moss.
    2. Once the water line lowers, you can then put the brush at the base of the screen and work your way up taking the moss with you.
    3. Put all moss in the bucket. Take moss off brush by hand. Do NOT hit brush on the ground.
  4. Net out and dead fish and keep note of where you pulled them out and how many.
  5. All moss goes to the dumpster. Dead fish if fresh can be fillet practice or tossed as well. Fresh dead fish still have pink to their gills.
  6. Do all outdoor screens at the top and bottom of each raceway across the farm.
  7. Hatchery and Inside of the greenhouse work is to be supervised for the first time. You may not do this work unless expressly asked to.

 A note: if moss is encountered on cement near you, I also want that loaded up and taken to the dumpster.


Brushing a Pond

  1. This job is fairly straightforward. The instructions may change from a drought to high water year. This year 2024, is a high water year.
  2. Get brush from designated area.
  3. extend brush so you can stay out of the water.
  4. Start at inlet.
  5. Sweep each area in straight lines keeping the brush pushed to the ground in one solid motion.
    1. Little fish can become trapped between a brush and the ground. This will kill them. If you are doing fish smaller than 2″. Get a supervisor to teach you prior to starting this chore.
  6. Swipe along the walls as well.
  7. This job is done thorough but fast your goal is to use the current to help drag the debris down. You want to be quick because loose debris like that can plug a fishes gills if left for extended periods of time. To ensure they can adequately breathe we do not want to prolong this chore. You can pull a stand pipe to create a faster flow. HOWEVER, if you pull a standpipe you do NOT leave that area until it is properly secured back in its place.
  8.  Ponds that have been brushed must have their screen cleaned hourly after brushing. As the fish swim, they will send the loose debris passed them toward the screen. Keeping the screen clean will prevent it from breaking from too much loose debris and clean the pond quickly.

Cleaning a settlement

  1. This is best done in waders. Find a pair and put them on.
  2. In most cases I do not get in the water but it helps to have waders on in case you needed to get in to find the drain.
  3. Get a brush from the designated set area.
  4. Pick which settlement you would like to clean.
  5.  Slowly pull all debris toward the pipe.
  6. Once all debris is loose and close to the pipe, pull the pipe to begin draining the pond.
  7. Lay the pipe on the ground close to you. Lay it flat so it doesn’t fall and break.
  8. Continue to push debris to the drain until you are satisfied it is clean. During this process the water is draining, this may stop water from flowing to the next pond until you are done draining. Drains should NEVER be pulled for more than 2 minutes at a time. And can be much shorter timeframes on a drought year.
  9. Put drain in. If you are struggling to find the drain let the pipe hover an inch from the ground. The drain will pull the pipe toward it indicating where it will need to go.

If you are NOT confident in what you are doing, ASK questions, FIND a supervisor, etc!! It is ALWAYS better to ask a question than kill a couple thousand fish. I would rather train you twice than leave you questioning after one time.

Where to find equipment:

  • New Hatchery Layout for the greenhouse raceways:
  • North Raceways:
    • At the gate of 5ab. Brushes are in pipes attached to the fenceline. Bucket goes on clip on fence.
  • South Raceways.
    • At the base of 6ab, Brushes are in pipes attached to the fencline. Bucket goes on clip on fence.
  • Blue Ponds
    • Its own brush is located on fenceline for convenience.
  • Quarantine Pond
    • Its own brush is down there laid across the pond.
  • Catch Out Ponds
    • Brush and Bucket found in building.All nets can be found up by the hatchery entrance. Must not be used on catch out ponds.

Finishing a Chore on the Live Sales Sets